About Me
I am a keen conservationist, based in Kent - the heart of the South-East of England. I am a semi-professional deer stalker and wildlife manager. Developed a passion for hunting from early age and now trying to combine it with the natural need for wildlife management. I also love good, healthy food and that is another reason why I hunt - venison, pigeon, rabbits and wild boar provide very healthy, rich in protein and high level of iron meat.
I am DSC (deer stalking certificate) level 1 and 2 qualified as this qualifications now considered as a MUST by most of the big forestry companies and estates, I am trained in safe use of Fire arms and qualified as Range Conducting Officer with NRA, active member of British Deer Society and fully insured with BASC.
Photography is another passion I had from the teenage years and that is something I just getting in to as UK nature must be pictured in it's best.
Working as Field Manager on the soft fruit growing farm I spend most of my time outside and this gives me the chance to enjoy the nature in all its glory. At the moment I am successfully helping to manage deer, foxes, rabbits, pigeons and wild boar to few local farmers. The references can be provided on request.